2022-01-25 12:38:36

Conserving the environment is one of the most significant challenges we are facing. The numerous vehicles on the road, industries, rapid urbanization, and other practices that affect the environment adversely have made environmental protection a major issue. As citizens, we must save the environment for ourselves and future generations. We at Argus Homes are committed to conserving the environment. Our project Argus Homes is luxurious and built using the green building concept. We believe that sustainable living is important for preserving nature and resources. Let us understand what a Green Building is.

Green building involves keeping in mind good environmental practices right from the design phase and during all stages of development, maintenance and deconstruction. Green building is also called sustainable or high-performance building. The whole idea is to mitigate or eliminate negative impacts on the environment and enhance positive ones. A green building efficiently uses energy, water, and other resources and provides pollution and waste reduction measures. Argus Homes boasts of world-class construction and also all green building features implemented since its very conception.

Argus homes make use of ACC (Autoclaved Cellular Concrete) or AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete). It is a lightweight foam concrete. AAC consists of quartz sand, calcined gypsum, lime, cement, water, and aluminum powder. ACC can be used to make blocks. AAC can be used in both interior and exterior construction and has excellent thermal-resistant properties. Another merit of AAC is that since it is lightweight, it can be easily cut or sanded. It is a good material for high-rise buildings. Due to its lower density, it uses less steel, concrete, and mortar. The use of AAC speeds up the construction by reducing the need for extra material for construction and insulation and is also cost-effective. Another advantageous feature of Argus Homes is the use of double-glazed windows. Double glazed windows that contain two panes with an air pocket in between provides better insulation. These windows are waterproof and weather resistant. Insulation keeps the home warm in winter and cooler during the summers. They also help minimize noise due to good sound insulation. These windows are also secure as they are hard to break in. These windows also help you reduce power consumption as they allow a good amount of natural light in the rooms.

Besides the construction-related aspects, the design of the building also adds to the green building concept. The unique aerodynamic structure of Argus Homes provides excellent ventilation and natural light into the homes. Hence, it furnishes an energy-efficient solution. After every two floors, the building opens into different directions allowing fresh air to flow all around the building. Additionally, the building has a Swastik shaped terrace. Swastik is considered a sign of good fortune, prosperity, and positive energy. Argus Homes is not only your address of luxury but the address of well-being as well. Incorporating green building features is a step towards sustainable living and our way of contributing towards better living.

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